250-897-2892 aduncan@adibenefits.ca

Have questions about employee plans? We’ve got answers

question-mark-vector-1068869Let’s talk Group Benefits Plans.

What? You don’t want to?! You say you find them confusing? You end up with more questions than answers?

Not when you’re dealing with ADI Benefits!

We’re all about offering employers solutions. We work hard to take the confusion out of Group Health and present insurance options that make sense. Don’t understand what something means? We’ll spell it out. Not sure if your company is eligible for certain plans? We’ll let you know. When you have questions, we get the answers.

Heck, I’ll even answer questions before you can ask them! Check out these babies . . .

What is a standard health and dental plan going to cost me as an employer?

Not to be elusive, but that’s a tough one to answer because every organization is different. Here are some of the various factors that come into play: number of employees; age of employees; what the business activities are; whether the business is urban or rural; and, of course, the type of coverage needed. A plan for a family farm with eight employees in Fort St. John will be different than those of an eight-person dental office in downtown Vancouver.

At ADI Benefits, we analyze every employer’s particular circumstances and come up with individualized plan options that meet specific organizational needs. So while I can’t say what a “standard” plan will cost, I can give you the specifics if and when you want them.

Will group plan premiums go up every year?

Short answer: No; in fact, some years they go down. The longer answer is that a good insurance rep will set up your plan properly at the beginning so that you pay what you should, based on all the correct and current info. Some reps have been known to come in the first year with an undercut rate that looks good initially and then the next year balloons by 50 per cent. (And of course their commission goes up as well.)

If you’re facing increases year after year, your plan wasn’t set up properly in the first place. At ADI Benefits, we will set up your plan correctly and the premiums will be based on those numbers. We ensure we do things right the first time and will fight to keep your rates down.

Of course, if you have fewer than 10 employees, you’re almost certainly paying too much for your group plan. Talk to us about a Health Spending Account instead.

What if some of my employees have pre-existing conditions?

For Group Health this isn’t an issue. Some owners don’t want to change plans because they’re afraid they won’t get coverage because some employees have pre-existing issues, but that just isn’t true. Certain conditions will keep an individual from getting critical illness insurance or life insurance coverage, but regular group health coverage is not affected. Likewise, your group rates aren’t affected if some of your employees are smokers.

Have more questions? Bring them on! At ADI Benefits, we take the work and confusion out of finding employer solutions. Give us a call and let’s talk about Group Health Benefit Plans today!